United Clubs of Fremd (UCF)

  • UCF is a spirit/pep club seeking to provide a forum for students with various interests and backgrounds to work together to create a school environment that makes everyone feel welcomed and valued.  We would like students from all walks of life to provide diverse perspectives on our school’s atmosphere.  Members will include, but not be limited to, delegates from Fremd’s athletic teams, activities and clubs.  All students are encouraged to join as we build a more unified student body.


  • Sponsor: Mr. Rico Matarazzo
    Email: ematarazzo@d211.org

    Sponsor: Ms. Rebekah Gale
    Email: rgale@d211.org

    Sponsor: Mr. Jeffrey Keske
    Email: jkeske@d211.org

    Schoology Code: X3H9-TGBK-8KMC8 

    Instagram: @fremdvikingnation

    Twitter: @FHSVikingNation

Additional Information

  • Typically meets: Every Tuesday 7:00 to 7:25 am;
    Poster painting Thursdays in season and playoffs from 3:00 to 5:00