Fremd Color Guard

  • Fremd Guard is a competitive flag performance team that is open to all students and runs from summer camps through April. The team participates in many school activities as well as promotes school spirit. Performances at Fremd include pep rallies and performing at the half-times of home football and basketball games.

    Fremd Guard competes in the fall with the Viking Marching Band. There are 4 to 5 area competitions that we travel to for competitions during the months of September-October.

    The team also competes in the Winter Season with the Midwest Color Guard Circuit. The multi-state-wide competition culminates in the spring. The indoor season begins in November and ends in April. The Guard is also active in the community and supports many different charitable causes.

    Summer camp is mandatory to prepare for our year.


  • Head Sponsor: Ms. Melissa Schlesinger

    Schoology Code: 64TD-K2G7-QR57F 

    Facebook: Fremd Varisty Color Guard
    Instagram: @fremd_guard
    Twitter: @fremd_guard

  • Last updated 9/05/2024