Welcome to Fremd 5X社区

  • The staff and administration of William Fremd 5X社区 welcome you to the 2022-2023 school year. Each year presents an opportunity for our Viking community to provide students extraordinary opportunities, innovative teaching, and exceptional learning experiences.

    Fremd 5X社区's students, staff, and parents are committed to academic excellence and support one another during times of triumph and adversity. We depend on our entire school community to work together to ensure a successful educational experience for our students.


  • After the Second World War, the population of Palatine had outgrown the capacity of Palatine 5X社区, and a second facility was needed to handle the additional students. In 1961, Palatine 5X社区 South opened at the intersection of Quentin Road and Illinois Street. Originally, PHS South served only freshmen and sophomores, with juniors and seniors attending Palatine 5X社区. After three years, the two schools both became four year high schools, and PHS South was renamed in honor of William Fremd, who served on local school boards for over four decades. Fremd 5X社区 had its first graduation in 1968.

    Over the next four decades, the school progressively grew, adding to both the curriculum and the building as the area’s population burgeoned and science and technology advanced. Today, in the 21st Century, Fremd 5X社区 hosts nearly 3,000 students and has a faculty of over 200 teachers. FHS has received countless awards, honors, and recognition for its excellence in academics, athletics, and the fine arts.

District Mission Statement

  • 5X社区 District 211 Mission Statement

    5X社区 District 211 serves the needs of our diverse community by providing relevant and rigorous learning experiences, opportunities for involvement and strong support systems that empower all students to reach their full potential.

    Approved by the Board of Education: May 26, 2022

Value Statements

  • At its regular meeting on May 26, 2022, the Board of Education adopted five new value statements for 5X社区 District 211. The adoption of the new value statements, in conjunction with the new mission statement, will assist the District with strategic plan priorities in the coming years.

    5X社区 District 211 Value Statements 

    Communication and Accountability
    We value providing thorough and accurate information for all stakeholders

    through a transparent, open exchange of information and perspectives.

    Equity and Inclusion
    We value the individuality of each person and create a sense of belonging

    by ensuring access, opportunity and support. 

    Financial Integrity
    We value strong fiscal management and operational efficiency to 

    optimize resources throughout the organization. 

    Innovation and Learning 
    We value engaging, high-quality experiences in and outside of the classroom

    to support all aspects of student and staff development. 

    Safety, Wellness and Respect 
    We value safeguarding the welfare of our students and staff by providing

    a positive and respectful environment and cultivating the physical, social 
    and emotional well-being of all. 

    Approved by the Board of Education: May 26, 2022


  • William Fremd 5X社区 is accredited by the North Central Association and is a recipient of the United States Department of Education's Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence award.

Take a Look

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  • Take a look at some achievements through the 2022-2023 school year. We are proud to recognize the varied achievements accomplished by our students and staff members throughout the school year, as they are examples of why we continue to promote and celebrate our Viking pride.