Debate Team

  • Students on the Debate Team compete against other schools.  The students learn the techniques of argumentation, logical persuasion, and research. Students also learn responsibility by working on their own and as a team. We debate in Lincoln-Douglas, Public Forum, and Student Congress styles and compete in IHSA tournaments in all three.
    The big charge out of debate is arguing head-to-head with another person, winning the round in front of a judge, and then getting trophies for it!


    Additional Information about Student Congress

    Students involved in Congressional Debate follow the same procedures as representatives in Washington and Springfield. They write legislation and debate their own bills and resolutions. Students learn the techniques of argumentation, logical persuasion, and research. They also learn responsibility by working on their own and as members of a team. Student Congress competes at Illinois Congressional Debate Association (ICDA) tournaments from September to February and the IHSA State Meet held in March.


  • Lincoln Douglas/Public Forum

    Head Sponsor: Ms. Maddie Maslan

    Sponsor: Mr. Luke Anderson

    Schoology Code: 2WNP-MPV4-MSZKS


    Student Congress

    Head Sponsor: Rachael Krulewich

    Schoology Code: DSRB-NHW3-KTJBD

Additional Information

  • Last updated 9/5/2024