- Fremd HS
- Career Links
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Career Links
Listed below are websites that will be helpful to you in deciding on a career or researching careers. We believe these sites to be among the most helpful sites on the Internet. Of course, we cannot always guarantee the content on each site, but they have been screened for their usefulness to you.
Discover careers you can pursue based on your field of study. Detailed occupational information on over 1,100 careers.
This is the official site, sponsored by the military, that explains the ASVAB test and its uses.
Allows user to search by “fastest growing” or other criteria, and you can compare salaries, etc. Very useful and usable.
Very good info on 6 different general career fields is contained here. Also, there are great tie-ins for kids who take the Holland Test. (All students who take the PLAN or ACT tests receive Holland Code information with their test results).
The Career Browser offers exercises for high school students to make career decisions. Good online library of links to specific career areas.
Create Programming the World Needs - connect with the rapidly growing and evolving fields of computer science and uncover how to reach your full potential.
The current employment outlook for the United States indicates that most jobs will require postsecondary education and training beyond high school. Whether a student is preparing to attend a four-year university, a two-year college or the work force, the exploration of possible careers and college majors is vital.
Research health care careers, training and certification programs, grants, and scholarships.
This site allows taking the test of this name. It is similar to the Myers-Briggs test, correlating career choices with personality. There are limited activities unless you subscribe. Check the career tests listed above to see if they are better for you.
This is a good resource for high school students to get information about writing resumes when they do not have a lot of paid work experience.
The Occupational Outlook Handbook is an outstanding resource for virtually any career research. It contains employment and salary projections.
Great resumes made simple. Master the science behind great resumes and cover letters. Make recruiters want to hire you. Get the job you want.
This actually has good search capabilities, especially in general career areas (e.g. business careers).
This site offers some terrific information for students (and parents) who want to see how college majors correlate with future careers.
This site offers some terrific information for students (and parents) who want to see how college degrees correlate with future careers.