- 5X社区 District 211
- Student Wellness Team Homepage
District 211 Student Wellness Team
The purpose of the District 211 Student Wellness Committee is to focus on a holistic approach to student wellness - with attention to the physical, emotional, and social health of our students. The work of the committee is aligned to the District 211 Value Statement on Safety, Wellness and Respect:
We value safeguarding the welfare of our students and staff by providing a positive and respectful environment and cultivating the physical, social and emotional well-being of all.
There are three components of wellness within District 211:
Physical Wellness
Emotional Wellness
Social Wellness
District 211 Student Wellness Team Meetings
February 6, 2023
The District Wellness Team focused on their priority areas within the 2022-2027 Strategic Plan. Specifically, the indicator Sense of Belonging, Trust and Safety under the Wellness goal.
At its February meeting, the district Wellness Team:
- reviewed its targets for the next five years, then focused on the 2022-2023 targets;
- collaborated to craft and develop common language about expected peer relationships based on verbiage used in the 5 Essentials survey;
- participated in an activity to develop a plan to engage school-based student wellness teams to provide feedback on student mindset towards trust, safety, and collective responsibility.
Between its February meeting and the next meeting on April 17, 2023, school teams will continue to draft common language about expected peer relationships and solicit feedback on student mindset towards trust, safety, and collective responsibility.
December 12, 2022
Student representatives shared highlights from the first semester.
- Palatine 5X社区 hosted a wellness week. The week consisted of sixteen lunch period workshops on 8 different topics related to physical, mental, and social well-being. The topics for the week were handling anxiety & stress, the impact of sleep deprivation, and healthy eating. Friday Fun was a Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream truck and comfort dogs. Additional semester one activities included share a smile, movie night, and good luck pencils and candy for finals.
Fremd 5X社区 focused on preparing for finals and communication. The committee shared several organization tools to plan ahead to manage stress. The focus was on stress management, balance, and self-care. Students had the opportunity to make their own stress kit. Fremd also brought in therapy dogs for the final two days of finals. In addition to focusing on finals, the team has been communicating with administration on the why behind the changes to security.
Conant 5X社区 hosted a mental health fair and a Cougar way lesson. The mental health fair included several CHS clubs along with outside agencies. The Cougar way lesson focused on how to manage stressful situations. The lesson was developed based on what students reported on the Panorama survey. In addition, the committee held a Destress for Finals event.
Schaumburg 5X社区 hosted a wellness fair. Students engaged in nineteen stations ranging from financial to physical, to social and emotional wellness. The fair was organized by students for students with the support of the advisors.
Hoffman Estates 5X社区 hosted several activities first semester. Students participated in gratitude grams during the week of Thanksgiving and feel good fridays. For finals week the committee focused on study tips and encouragement/affirmation during the extended media center hours.
Higgins Education Center created a gratitude video, held a thanksgiving luncheon, shared healthy holiday coping strategies, attended the Schaumburg wellness fair and went to sunrise for team building.
North Campus hosted therapy dogs, participated in volunteering activities, attended sunrise outdoor adventure and shared “Gobble Grams” with positive message notes.
The committee discussed the 5 Essentials Survey, specifically student peer relationships as outlined in the 2022-2027 Strategic Plan. The committee focused on developing common language about expected peer relationships based on verbiage used in the 5 Essentials survey.
Second semester teams will focus on the wellness goal within the strategic plan. Specifically, they will focus on engaging school-based student wellness teams to provide feedback on student mindset towards, trust, safety, and collective responsibility.
2023 Meeting Dates:
- February 6
- April 17
October 3, 2022
For the first meeting of the year the committee reviewed:
The District 211 Value Statement on Safety, Wellness and Respect;
The District 211 definition of a Trusted Adult and Sense of Belonging. A trusted adult is someone who:
Is approachable, creates safe spaces, and listens to students in order to provide support and connection to resources;
Makes an effort to establish a connection with students;
Listens without judgement and acts in a student’s best interest;
Connects students with resources within the school community.
District 211 definition of a sense of belonging:
A sense of belonging is the feeling that you are safe, valued, and involved within your school community;
We foster a sense of belonging by ensuring that all students feel seen, heard, and connected to other students and adults in the school community;
We foster a sense of belonging by embracing all backgrounds, identities, and experiences within the school and classroom;
We foster a sense of belonging by encouraging all students to be involved in activities, athletics, and school events;
We foster a sense of belonging by providing all students with opportunity, access, and supports based on their individual needs.
Next, the committee reviewed the Fall Panorama 2022 survey results, focusing on strengths and opportunities for growth. Each school team used the data to develop an action plan for the year.
The District 211 Wellness Committee has targets to meet within the 2022-2027 District 211 Strategic Plan. For the 2022-2023 school year, the committee will engage school-based student wellness teams to provide feedback on student mindset towards trust, safety, and collective responsibility and determine the level of community awareness regarding availability of support. Identify areas of growth regarding communication methods.