National Board Certified Teachers

  • National Board Certified Teachers

    National Board Certifed Teachers

    • National Board Certification is a symbol of teaching excellence. A voluntary process established by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS), it is achieved through a rigorous performance-based assessment that takes nearly a year to complete. Through the assessment process, teachers document their subject matter knowledge, provide evidence that they know how to teach their subjects to students effectively, and demonstrate their ability to manage and measure student learning.
    • National Board Certification measures a teacher’s practice against these high and rigorous standards. The process is an extensive series of performance-based assessments that includes teaching portfolios, student work samples, videotapes and thorough analyses of the candidates’ classroom teaching and student learning. Teachers also complete a series of written exercises that probe the depth of their subject-matter knowledge, as well as their understanding of how to teach those subjects to their students.
    • National Board Certification is a credential attesting that a teacher has been judged by peers as one who is accomplished; makes sound professional judgments about student learning; and acts effectively on those judgments. National Board Certified Teachers demonstrate a high level of knowledge, skills, dispositions and commitments reflected in the National Board’s Five Core Propositions:
      • Teachers are committed to students and their learning
      • Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students
      • Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning
      • Teachers think systematically about their practice and learn from experience
      • Teachers are members of learning communities

    Since 2000-2001, 5X社区 District 211 has had a total of 134 teachers earn National Board Certification from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. This certification is the highest professional credential in the teaching field.

    2014-2015 (1)
    Joseph Grzybek

    2012-2013 (11)
    Jordan Catapano
    Brian Curtin
    Angela Drenth
    Brian Drenth
    Christopher Grattoni
    Erik Hauser
    Gina Hubbard
    Tanya Katovich
    Derek Schmidt
    Kimberly Selleck
    Tracy Serafini

    2011-2012 (19)
    Dana Batterton
    Marilyn Berdick
    Christopher Bruce
    Robert Coakley
    Anna Dau
    Gina Enk
    Angenette Fudala
    Pamela Fullerton
    Tyrone Jones
    Stephen Kurfess
    Kerri Largo
    Kristy Loughin-Vance
    Casey Nesva
    Megan Panico
    Brad Stevens
    Brigid Tileston
    Erika Varela
    Kimberleigh Wiley
    Luke Yanule

    2010-2011 (7)
    Sean Armstrong
    David Calisch
    Derek Fivelson
    Nicholas Hostert
    Eric Jacobsen
    Erin Lindstrom
    M. Denise Mitchell

    2009-2010 (10)
    Karl Craddock
    Azra Haq
    Kristine Knickerbocker
    Todd Meador
    Eric Millstone
    Daniel Pfligler
    Michael Ruta
    Joshua Schumacher
    Anthony Spizzirri
    Matthew Wiley

    2008-2009 (12)
    Sara Dopke
    Jeremy Harkin
    Sarah Keefe
    Carolyn Koch
    Nicole LaBeau
    Eric LeBlanc
    Kathleen Petko
    Susan Quinlan
    Amy Spizzirri
    Lynn Swanson*
    David Wolf
    Kay Yereb

    2007-2008 (6)
    Craig Barnes
    Jennifer Grapenthin
    Vihn Le
    Erin Luzadder
    Arron McCurley
    Karla Modelski

    2006-2007 (13)
    John Braglia
    Theresa Christensen
    Nicole Clement
    Dawn Glaser
    Frank Goznikar
    Bruce Hildabrand
    Katie Kupka
    Anthony Miller
    Maria Mungai
    Kevin Palmer
    Aaron Phillips
    Lynn Ridge
    Mary Thomas

    2005-2006 (14)
    Jean Black
    Donald Davis
    Jason English
    Douglas Gross
    Scott Hagel
    Seju Jain
    Craig Kersemeier
    Heidi McDonald-Dunfrund
    Rosemary Ryan
    Kimberly Shade
    Mark Shoub
    Kenneth Turner
    Elizabeth Vallejo
    Robert Williams

    2004-2005 (19)
    Sarah Bryant
    Jason Campbell
    Cynthia Dvorak
    Robert Grisanzio
    Betsy Kahn
    Jennifer Krause
    Kendra Letzel
    Thomas Letzel
    Mary Lopez
    David Moravek
    Stephen Patton
    Michael Pennisi
    Suzanne Rausch
    Susan Rucks
    Jennifer Schutte
    Christopher Smith
    Maribeth Westlund
    Jessica Wienke
    Christine Starzynski

    2003-2004 (9)
    Michael Bachrodt
    Steven Buenning
    Julie Frost
    Michelle Eggerding
    David Martin
    John Noah
    Jeanette Pancratz
    Philip Winter
    Christopher Zickert

    2002-2003 (8)
    Marci Albrecht
    Samantha Dolen
    Mary Brotsos
    David Elliott
    Deborah Kray
    Timothy Kasper
    Robert Schuetz
    Anita Govic

    2001-2002 (3)
    Peter Konecki
    Jacob Schlender*
    Cynthia Taylor*

    2000-2001 (2)
    James Breunlin
    Carl Beyer


    *Achieved prior to employment in District 211.