- Schaumburg HS
- Testing
Advanced Placement Testing
NEW to AP Testing?
Registered for a previous AP exam?
Reminder: this is a two-step process using two different websites:
- Step One: Join your teacher’s AP classroom on the College Board website.
- Students should have already completed this step at the beginning of the school year in their AP class.
- If not, please see your teacher immediately to join their teacher's AP Classroom. Difficulties accessing your College Board account: Contact customer service: 888-225-5427
- Step Two: Begins 10/15 through 11/1. Complete the registration and payment through the Total Registration website.
- Links provided above to create an account, or log in to an existing account.
*Remember that if you do not complete both steps by 11/1/2024 and pay by 11/15/2024, a $40 late fee will be added to each registered exam by the College Board. There is also a $40 cancelation fee per exam if canceled after November 15th, 2024.
If you have any questions regarding registration, please contact Ms. Werlein or Mr. Kowalski in Student Services.
AP Exam Dates May 5 – May 16, 2025
- Step One: Join your teacher’s AP classroom on the College Board website.
Registration process
If you are planning on taking the Advanced Placement test in May, you must complete the online registration between October 15, 2024 – November 1, 2024.
If you took an AP exam last year at SHS, you will be prompted to enter your email address and password. If you forgot your password from last year, you can request for your password to be reset.
Pre-administration changes for 2020 and beyond
Pre-Administration sessions will not be held at SHS. Instead, it will be completed online through when registering for exams. Please allow extra time to complete the process to accommodate this change.
Full payment is due by Tuesday, November 15, 2024. All students registering for exams after the on-time order window will be assessed a $40.00 late fee per exam.
REMINDER FOR 2024 -2025: All payments will be made through . Credit card payments can be made online at the time of registration. Checks will be mailed directly to Total Registration.
The cost of EACH exam is $99.00 except Research and Seminar which costs $147 each. Upon completion of your online registration, you will receive a Registration Confirmation Invoice.
Students who cancel an exam by Sunday, May 5, 2025 are entitled to a refund of the exam fee minus a $40 cancelation fee.
If you have any questions regarding the Advanced Placement testing process, please feel free to contact Mr. Kowalski or Ms. Werlein in Student Services.
Last minute reminders
- Bring your school ID to the testing room.
- Arrive promptly at 7:15 a.m. for the morning exams.
- Arrive at 11:35 a.m. for the afternoon exams.
- NO CELL PHONES ALLOWED IN THE TESTING ROOM or any other electronic equipment except a school issued iPad for digital exams (i.e. a watch with an electronic alarm).
- NO BACKPACKS ALLOWED. Please leave backpacks in lockers. Anything brought into the exam room MUST be left in the front of the room, except for pencils, pens, calculators, AP Student Packs, answer sheets, test booklets and iPad for digital exams.
- NO FOOD ALLOWED IN THE TESTING AREA. However, students may bring a light snack and drink to have during their 10 minute break. PLEASE CLEARLY LABEL YOUR SNACK AND DRINK BECAUSE THEY WILL BE LEFT OUTSIDE THE TESTING AREA.
- No mechanical pencils. Only sharpened No. 2 pencils, with erasers. Please bring pens with black or dark blue ink for completing areas on the exam booklet and free-response questions.
- If students are required to use a calculator for their exam, they are allowed to bring up to two (2) approved calculators.
- Students who have two tests on the same day should make arrangements to bring food to eat between tests, time allowing.
Afternoon test takers
Arrive promptly at 11:35 a.m. for the afternoon exams – students have received passes to excuse them from 5th period to eat and get to the exam room by this time.
- Afternoon tests will typically go past 2:45 p.m. In that case, please arrange for your own ride or take the activity bus home.
- Afternoon test takers who participate in a sports/activity should notify their coach/sponsor that they may be late for their game/practice that day. You may have to arrange for your own transportation if your team is traveling to another school.
Here are some additional Advanced Placement resources: