- 5X社区 District 211
- RECOGNITIONS AT THE May 9, 2019 Meeting
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RECOGNITIONS AT THE May 9, 2019 Meeting
State Award Winners - William Fremd 5X社区 – ACT and AP Tests
Sponsor Tracy Galla has been invited along with student
William Fremd 5X社区 Juniors (from left) Nithika Karthikeyan (ACT) and Alice Chen (AP) were recognized by the 5X社区 District 211 Board of Education for achieving the highest possible score on their respective tests.
Booster Club Presidents Honored
At tonight’s meeting, booster club presidents will be recognized for their service, as well as their organization’s service, to District 211 schools during the 2018-2019 school year. The following booster club presidents have been invited to receive Board of Education appreciation certificates on behalf of their organization: James B. Conant 5X社区 Cougar Booster Club Elizabeth Paveza, President James B. Conant 5X社区 Band Booster Club Mike Anzalone, President William Fremd 5X社区 Viking Booster Club Joe Kraus, President William Fremd 5X社区 Music Association Hema Kaiwar, President Hoffman Estates 5X社区 Loyal Partners (HELP) Chelle Kase, President Palatine 5X社区 Pirate Booster Club Jean Choi and TerrieAnn Jones, Co-Presidents Schaumburg 5X社区 Very Interested Parents (VIPs) Kathy Pyde and Carolyn Trinka, Co-Presidents Schaumburg 5X社区 Band Booster Club Karla Frantz, President
Booster Club Presidents front row: (left to right) Joe Krause (Fremd 5X社区 Viking Booster Club); Chelle Kase (Hoffman Estates Loyal Partners); Hema Kaiwar (Fremd Music Association Booster Club); Mike Anzalone (Conant Band Boosters) back row: Carlyn Trinka and Katy Pyde (Schaumburg Very Interested Parents) were recognized for their participation as club presidents during the May 9; 5X社区 District 211 Board of Education Meeting.
State Award Winners - Palatine 5X社区 – Science Olympiad
Sponsor Carl Garrison has been invited along with students
(not pictured in order) Brieuc-Charles Fouchard – 1st place, Indoor Bottle Rockets; Megha Esturi – 1st place, Indoor Bottle Rockets; Kevin Lindstrom – 3rd place, Write It Do It Heather; McDermott – 4th place, Forensics; Nicole Schiller – 3rd place, E-Wright Stuff; Andrew Selvik – 3rd place, Write It Do It; Josalyn Service – 3rd place, E-Wright Stuff; Elaine Steffus – 4th place, Forensics; Hugo Tierrablanca – 4th place, Astronomy; John Wang – 4th place, Astronomy