
    Northwest Educational Council for Student Success Business Partnerships

    Each year, District 211 reaches out to local businesses to collaborate with our high schools for career treks, internships, guest speakers, apprenticeships and Career Expo participation. These work-based learning experiences are organized by the career advisors within each school. Career advisors are part-time employees of the Northwest Educational Council for Student Success (NECSS) and are placed in each of the five schools. NECSS is a secondary and postsecondary regional educational collaborative focused on student success via post-secondary career planning and opportunities between all district partners and local communities. NECSS partners include Harper College and school districts 211, 214, and 220. Tonight’s honorees represent one local business from each high school who have given of his or her time to offer the students of District 211 an exceptional experience while investigating future careers choices.

    Northwest Educational Council for Student Success Business Partnerships

    (front row, left to right): Kathleen Burley (Golden Corridor Advanced Manufacturing Partnership), Ramya Vijay (Cisco Systems), Rosa Botello (Motorola Solutions), (Back row left to right) Cathy Kirin (Residential Construction Employers Council), and John Jobst (Schaumburg Automedics Inc.).


    Outstanding Illinois Business Professionals of America Advisor Award

    James B. Conant 5X社区 Business Education Teacher and Business Professionals of America (BPA) Sponsor Patricia Ertl recently received the Ronald Ciastko Outstanding Illinois BPA Advisor Award. She has been invited to this evening’s meeting to receive Board of Education recognition.

    Patricia Ertl r

    James B. Conant 5X社区 Business Education Chair and BPA Advisor Patti Ertl 


    Hoffman Estates 5X社区 Business Professionals of America (BPA)  - State Award Winners

    Sponsor Thomas Magan has been invited along with students

    Hoffman Estates 5X社区 – Business Professionals of America (BPA)

    (left to right) Anushree Raol, Manushi Shah, and Rahil Patel were recognized for their 1st place finish in the state competition. 


    William Fremd 5X社区 Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA)

    Sponsor Julie Zinger has been invited along with students

    William Fremd 5X社区 Health Occupations Students of America

    (front row left to right) Sid Addepalli, Varun Korpala, (back road left to right) Shreya Seetharam, and Muskan Bhalalta


    Fremd 5X社区 Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) -1st in state Forensic Medicine competition.

    Sponsor Julie Zinger has been invited along with students

    Yoonseo Kim and Michelle Ganzorig

    (not necessarily pictured in order) Yoonseo Kim and Michelle Ganzorig 


    James B. Conant 5X社区 – Debate 

    Coach Frank Kernats has been invited along with students

    CHS Debate

    (left to right): Sabah Lokhandwala, Nicholas Chen, and debate coach Frank Kernats


    James B. Conant 5X社区 Business Professionals of America

    Sponsor Patricia Ertl has been invited along with students

    James B. Conant 5X社区 Business Professionals of America

    (front row left to right) Anika Palkhiwala, Shreya Katwala, (back row left to right) Sahithi Ankireddy, Kimaya Parmar, Saanji Shah, and John Waity


    Palatine 5X社区 – Debate

    Coach Brenda Moreno has been invited along with students

    Palatine 5X社区 – Debate

    Leeanne Smith (left) and Krishna Tewari (right), pictured with debate coach Brenda Moreno (center)


    William Fremd 5X社区 - Debate

    Coach Martin Zacharia has been invited along with students

    William Fremd 5X社区 – Debate

    (not pictured in order) Mayank Bhatia, Bill Gao, Swathy Karthikeyan, Andrew Kim, Mathew Kim, Miguel Mercado, Shreya Mukherjee, and Michael Murakami


    Schaumburg 5X社区 - Debate

    Coach Carl Schwartz has been invited along with students

    SHS Debate

    (not pictured in order) Laxmisanjana Ade, Viraj Desetty, Baigalmaa Gansukh, Binti Kohli, Raphael Portillo, and Giselle Soares



    William Fremd 5X社区 juniors were recognized

    ACT Highest Scorers

    (not pictured in order) Aditya Prathap, Sidharth Addepalli, and Anmol Desai 



    Hoffman Estates 5X社区 Mathematics Teacher and Girls Bowling Coach Daniel Pfligler was recently named Girls Bowling Illinois State Coach of the Year by the National Federation of State 5X社区 Associations. (no photo available)