- Fremd HS
- Social & Emotional Support
Social & Emotional Support
Social and emotional learning is the process through which children develop awareness and management of their emotions, set and achieve important personal and academic goals, use social-awareness and interpersonal skills to establish and maintain positive relationships, and demonstrate decision making and responsible behaviors to achieve school and life success. There is a strong research base indicating that these competencies improve students’ social/emotional development, readiness to learn, classroom behavior, and academic performance.
Support Groups
Support Groups at Fremd 5X社区…
…provide an opportunity for students to make a regular connection with other students who share an experience that may be having an impact on their life at school. Here’s a list of some of the Support Groups that are running or have run recently.
Please click the link below to view student support groups:
Other groups can be created as a need arises. If you are interested in any of these groups, or would like to learn more, please see your counselor.