- 5X社区 District 211
- Citizen Participation
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Citizen Participation
The Board of Education provides time at its regular meetings for citizens to express interest in and concerns about the district’s schools. However, matters concerning an individual school should be discussed first with the principal of that school. If the problem cannot be resolved at the school, it should be brought to the Superintendent.
Individuals or groups who wish to speak to the Board of Education will be recognized as set forth in the Board agenda. After recognition, the speaker must state his/her name and topic. Generally, the speaker will be limited to five (5) minutes. The Board President reserves the right to limit the number of individuals or groups who will be recognized to speak. When applicable, special procedures for public comment are accessible for a specific Board meeting on the meeting schedule webpage.
Individuals or groups wishing to be included on the Board of Education meeting agenda should submit such a request in writing to the Superintendent by 4:30 p.m. on the fourth working day before the Board meeting. This request must state the purpose and the topic which the individual or public group wishes to present.
Members of the audience may not address the Board of Education during its deliberation of issues.